I would like to welcome you all to sixth grade and would like to introduce you to your new science classroom.

As soon as you walk into the classroom you will find many things on the wall! First you will find the exit slip area. We will do exit slips as a form of formative assessments and on the way out of the classroom students will place their slips in the appropriate folder. You will also find the tracker for tardiness and being unprepared for class. Students will receive detentions after 3 infractions of either. You will also find extra learning target papers for students who might lose theirs throughout the week. This is where they will track their weekly I can statements.
Here you will find the who's out board. Not only will students need to get their agendas signed but they must also sign out on the board. You will also find the boggle board for our weekly competition.
This is our supplies cabinet and our twitter board used for formative assessments as well.
This is our eye wash station and where students can locate papers that are ready to be handed back.
This is the student office area where students can find a stapler, tape dispenser, extra paper, etc for them to use. You will also find the reading log folders for my reading students.
Turn in boxes with be used for turning in any work! Students never turn in anything directly to Mrs. Bault or on her desk.
The absent box is where students will find any work they missed while being absent. It is the students responsibility to get their work!
This is the view of the front of the classroom from the back! You can see our Promethean board which we use daily. You will see where the weekly I can statements are posted as well as the weekly schedule!
View of the classroom from the door! Students share a table with another student. On each table is a supplies container. Students may use these supplies only while in Mrs. Bault's classroom. They should be returned before leaving each day.
Another view from the door!

I hope you have enjoyed getting familiar with your new science classroom and I'm looking forward to a great year!

Farrah Hatfield
8/28/2013 03:29:24 am

Awesome job!!! This will be a huge benefit to your students. Super excited for this school year.


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