This week in class students concentrated on reviewing the steps of the scientific method. Students learned how to take a testable relationship and create a well written if/then stated hypothesis. Students also practiced identifying variables within a scientific investigation through several hands-on activities! We ended the week by beginning to look at the process of making observations and using our observations to draw logical conclusions or inferences! I hope the students have been sharing the information they have been learning in class at home.

       This week also was the first week students started getting reward points taken away! If students want to participate in the Heartland reward day where they will be participating in low rope activities, archery, the wildlife center and other team games they must have 15 of their 20 points left. The remaining reward day activities will be attending a movie at the local movie theater, going bowling at blue fusion and a day at cedar point! Please encourage students to keep as many points as possible by following school rules and classroom procedures at all times so they can attend these activities!

Students using different types of sports balls to identify independent and dependent variables!
Performing a paper airplane lab to practice the steps of the scientific method! As well as practicing identifying variables!
These guys were expert paper airplane makers! Lol
We had a beautiful day to fly our airplanes!

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